Q&A(10) English, other language

10-1.Can you tell me about the LEED market in Japan?

GBJ is a volunteer organization providing LEED and green building related information and seminars in Japan to all people/organizations who are interested in LEED.
GBJ is a LEED International Roundtable Member and have a business contract with USGBC/GBCI.
In compare with Real Estate and Financial market size of Japan, LEED proliferation is a bit slow in Japan, but the number of the project is increasing as you can see the statistics at USGBC site. http://www.usgbc.org/advocacy/country-market-brief

10-2.Can you tell me how much it costs to LEED certify a building in Japan?

The applicant needs to pay registration and certification fee to GBCI according to the predetermined fee structure, but no fee is required to pay to GBJ. If an applicant needs someone to help the process, it costs additional money to hire a consultant firm but GBJ doesn’t know about its market rate since it doesn’t have a direct access to LEED consulting market itself.

10-3.What companies are doing LEED certification in Japan?

Please see the following link showing LEED consulting firms.
LEED Consultant Company/



10-5.We are looking for local partners. I’m wonder if we could set up a meeting or call with someone who might be able to help us better understand LEED in the Japanese market.

GBJ is a voluntary organization and not being able to provide a consulting service. However, you may find suitable LEED consultant in our member’s company list in the link. Please contact them directly and they could help you understand LEED in Japanese market.

10-6.I would like to take a look at the number of green buildings rated in Japan.

Regarding your inquiry, you can gain necessary information from the USGBC website. Please access the URL below, then search a country Japan. You will have a list of LEED certified projects in Japan.


If you are interested in other domestic ratings in Japan, the information on CASBEE rated buildings is available from the website below.


Or, you can also access to GBIG site. LEED, CASBEE and other rated green buildings are listed and mapped.


It seems that there are some unlisted CASBEE rated buildings but we think you will be able to have an overall picture from these websites.

10-7.I would like to know where the exam will be held and when the next exam will be. I also need to know how I can pay for the exam.

Please be advised the following url will navigate you how to take the exam. The information is supposed to include the venues where you can take the exam in Japan. All the payment can be processed by credit card.


You can check the schedule of “prometric” and book any slot available at the venues where you prefer to take it.

10-8.what kind of smart technology that is used at Green Building Japan?

Green Building Japan is a non-profit organization for green building-related professionals. Although smart technology is one of various issues we discuss, we do not “use” or “develop” it.

10-9.Are all posted materials available in English or other languages with the Google Translate system?

The information provided on this site is written in Japanese. Please note that translation from Japanese to other languages is limited in functionality due to the use of google translate system. Particularly, GBJ members-only articles cannot be automatically translated into other languages at this time.